Beef bred in compliance with organic farming
The Limousine breed, originating from Limousin, represents one of the most popular types of beef breed throughout the world.
It has a bright golden blond mantle and is of an average size.
It is characterised by the quality of its meat: lean and thin.
For six months, the cows live in a paddock with adequate roofing and stay on the pastureland for the rest of the year.
The bull stays with the herd from April to August and for the rest of the year it stays with the other bulls in a specific external paddock .
The calves remain with their mothers up to approximately 6 months of age, after which they are weaned and moved into a specific external paddock.
The calves remain in this paddock until they are about 18 months only and they are subsequently separated by sex and weight and moved into boxes with an external paddock.
The females that are selected as future brood cows remain within a specific external paddock until about two and a half years of age and they are subsequently inserted into the herd during the summer pasture period.
The animals are slaughtered at around 18 months old.
The bovines are fed with fodder manufactured on the farm itself.
The three species (beef, pork and sheep) are given a concentrate that is made on the farm generally using wheat, barley and tick-beans, duly mixed and ground, distributed according to the requirements of each individual animal or groups of animals.